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Messages posté(e)s par Citrobert

  1. Citrobert, j'aime bien tes jantes:good:



    Toora 940 - 7 x 17". With Falken winter tires. (should have been Michelin - I know...) Of course - when the snow is gone I will put on the original Citroën 17" with Michelin Pilot... :)


    TSW Pace

    Chatting with myself here... :)


    I found a set of 9-spoke Pug-wheels. 6,5 x 16" - with brand new Dunlop SP 9000 Sport 185/50 ZR 16 - which I got for a very reasonable price. A few minutes in photoshop tells me it will look like this:



    Can't wait for the snow to melt here...

    TSW Pace

    I'm planning to get a set of 16" wheels for my BX this spring.

    I like the look of the TSW Pace. Does anyone here have experience with 16" wheels/rims on a BX? How is it to drive on "normal" roads?




  2. Allez eup je me lance aussi


    Comme je l'est dit souvent pour moi la Senso est une bonne idée mal appliqué, voir meme dangereuse a certains niveau.


    Les problèmes de flottement d'abord surout entre la premiere et la deuxième. Il est claire que la boite n'a pas un cerveau mais de simple calculateur, ce qui rends a mon avis plus long le temps de réaction de la boite. Je m'explique.


    Démarer d'une place dans une rue sans avoir enlever le mode "auto" peut s'avérer dangereux du fait que la seconde se passe trés vite. Ou l'oublie n'est pas permis ou alors il faut séverement appuyer pour se lancer et aprés passe rla vitesse.


    De meme que et cette exemple m'est arrivé. Sur un rond point toujours dans ce fameux flottement, je rentre dedans a faible allure car pas de vitesse réellement enclenché, un fou arrive vite, je décide d'appuyer et la, la boite rétrograde en premiere. Ce laps de temps aurai pu m'etre fatale si le "fou" ne m'avais pas évité.


    Toujours dans mes expériences, trés souvent, toujours aprés ce flottement si j'appuye trop vite sur la pédale, la voiture "broute", (problème d'embrayage surement )


    Pour finir il y a toujours c'est passage de vitesse hazardeux, avec une reprise lente aprés passage de la vitesse, ou un accoup entre les deux, ou dès fois un passage excellent :cpasmafa:


    Il est indéniable que la boite est trés plaisante, mais l'application quand a fait citroen, n'en vaut pas le détour


    C'est mon avis.



    All good. I also have a 1.4 sensodrive - experiencing the same problem when I approach road crossings, speed bumps, roundabouts etc. When the senso is in Auto mode, it refuses to change down to first gear - unless I stop completely or use the paddles or the stick. This is acceptable once you understand that you have to "help" the system by using paddles or stick. However - when I do this downchanging manually the clutch sometimes refuses to engage fully when first gear is selected - the revs go up and the car moves real slow - which leaves me like a target in the middle of a roundabout, road cross or wherever I am - for every other car to crash into me. When the clutch finally engages - the whole car jumps/jerks forward like an old GS with a clutch soaked in oil. I have been really close to getting smashed into several times lately because of this - and I'm really thinking of trying to get my money back. I've had all the updates of the software, and Citroën still claims it is a software problem. I suspect it might be the clutch actuator - but my mechanic still tells me it is software. Since the problem is random (not consequent) I doubt that it can be a software problem.


    A real shame - since every other aspect of this little car is so great!

  3. Now - look what I almost hit!!!



    No way I had too much champagne... ;)


  4. Voilà une "admission dynamique" qui ne doit pas être très efficace... :???:


    If you are hinting at my car - you are partly right (I will put in a heat shield to keep the air around the filter cooler). But still: Response is better than before and at higher speed it runs more "freely" - hence I finally reached the top speed granted by Citroën... ;)


    ...and it sounds like the devil... :)






    ...sorry for the dirty engine....

  6. This morning I drove my Prestige over one of Norways many mountain passes.. "Strynefjellet". I started out early to avoid traffic - a very nice trip - good for body and soul...


    No C6 in sight (no CX either...)




  7. A couple of snapshots from one of my GS-brochures '77/'78:




  8. Pardon my language.... I do not speak French....


    I'm considering buying a VISA TROPHEE. The car has never been in a rally, it left the factory in 1982 and the original handwritten papers from Citroën is still present. It has covered 110 000 km and is rust free - good condition - except from needing a new brake pump. All original panels intact (fiberglass).


    I'm wandering what price should be right for this car - since there was only 200 of them made, I guess it should be worth some money...

  9. and how about this one? DX9:



    wacky, but it carries spirit of DS... top left version looks the best to me... front and back!


    wow! Where can I read more about this one? Who's behind it?

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