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Garry Austin

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Messages posté(e)s par Garry Austin

  1. Tu as eu la réponse via le concessionnaire ou directement du service clientèle ? J'ai le même soucis sur mon Picasso 2 de 2015 et on me demande une participation de .... 818€ !!!


    HI I actually took pictures and emailed my local citroen dealer, they sent me to a body shop for a inspection report, a few days later i was told it was sent to Citroen south africa and that they had forwarded it to citroen France for approval and a week later I was told the parts were ordered and it was repaired and I paid nothing its was covered 100% my car was in the third year of warentee and the last month of body and paint warentee the car had 28000km on. Citroens service was good.

  2. Hello I also have had this problem I am viewing the forum on Google translate I'm English


    My Picasso C4 developed cracks on the left and right side I had a months warrantee left on the 3 year body and paint warentee given in south africa my claim was approved and covered by Citroen 100% a new trunk lid was fitted, it came back with the black seal no 4 fitted but it kept coming off, after re attaching it twice, I removed it as it seems like the spacing on the new trunk lid is smaller than the old one, I contacted Citroen yesterday and queried this and asked if the seal is available and I was told it had been discontinued and is no longer available, I was happy with citroens assistance it was approved with no questions asked considering they have withdrawn from south africa and no longer sell new cars here even though the dealers are now combined Citroen /Peugeot and they do servicing and warentee


    - - - Mise à jour - - -


    If my message seems funny, I'm not retarded it's the conversion from English to French

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