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Mises à jour de statut posté(e)s par Stefaan

  1. Dear Olivier,


    I read in the forum about the firmware update 2.80 and 2.85 of the Citroën emyway system. You wrote you had some problems starting from 2.80 with the automatic volume of the audio system with the DENON ampli. What kind of problems do you have?


    Since one week I've got the update 2.80, but I cannot find any problems in my Citroën C4 with DENON ampli, but maybe I don't recognize the problem yet.


    So maybe you could discribe what kind of problems you have?


    Thanks in advance!


    Sincerely yours,



  2. Hi Filipe,


    I've got a small question about the temperature script on the emyway system. I've noticed on screenshots that it also activates the tyre pressure monitoring system. Since I don't have that system, is there any possibility to only activate the temperature monitoring? Or do you have any idea that if it activates the tyre pressure monitoring system and I purchase the system at my Citroën dealer (I think these are valve caps), would it show if a tyre is flat?


    About the colour themes, I studied a little bit on how to copie themes from the emyway system to an USB stick, but I'm not sure if it's the correct way. Do you have any idea on how to do this?:-)


    Thanks in advance!


    Sincerely yours,



  3. Hi Filipe,


    Thanks a lot for the skins, they look great! You've done a nice job!!


    I will wait for your tutorial on how to copy a theme from the RT6 to a USB stick, to change it and put it into the RT6 again replacing the original theme (I would like to change the Sweet Habana theme a little bit):-)


    Thanks in advance!


    Sincerely yours,



  4. Hi Filipe,


    Okay, that's good to know, because I'm curious to know about how it works:-)


    Maybe it's a good start to use an original theme to modify like you did. I'm definitely interested in your colour changed themes and how to put it in the emyway system. I saw some examples on this forum of yours and they look great!


    That's great! I thank you in advance!:-)


    Sincerely yours,



  5. (This is part 2)


    I am following your work here on the forum and you are doing a really really nice job!! I also studied the GPH editor with old Harmony files from the RT5 from the site of Mira and it's not so easy to create a whole new theme, isn't it? I was wondering how you copy a theme from the RT6 to an USB stick for example, edit it and how you can add it in the RT6 as a new entry or maybe to replace the Habana theme for example (it doesn't fit the C4 in my opinion because I think it's made for the DS4 with Habana leather).


    Thanks in advance!


    Sincerely yours,



  6. Hi Filipe,


    Thanks for your reply!


    I tried the script and it worked perfectly. The third theme is very nice I must say, so I'm very happy you published the script on this forum:-)


    I have no issues related to the Denon system, I think it was just my imagination:-) I was afraid that something else was changed in general because of the map UPG in the ZIP file and the file POI_UPGRADE_RNEG.CMD (I thought it had something to do with the Points Of Interest as well), but I studied the files a bit and if I'm correct, this is used to let the system recognize it's a sort of upgrade disk and then the script for the harmony is executed, am I correct?:-)


    (I have to cut my message in half because the number of characters is too long, so the second part is in the following message:-))

  7. (This is part 2)


    I am following your work here on the forum and you are doing a really really nice job!! I also studied the GPH editor with old Harmony files from the RT5 from the site of Mira and it's not so easy to create a whole new theme, isn't it? I was wondering how you copy a theme from the RT6 to an USB stick for example, edit it and how you can add it in the RT6 as a new entry or maybe to replace the Habana theme for example (it doesn't fit the C4 in my opinion because I think it's made for the DS4 with Habana leather).


    Thanks in advance!


    Sincerely yours,



  8. Hi Filipe,


    Thanks for your reply!


    I tried the script and it worked perfectly. The third theme is very nice I must say, so I'm very happy you published the script on this forum:-)


    I have no issues related to the Denon system, I think it was just my imagination:-) I was afraid that something else was changed in general because of the map UPG in the ZIP file and the file POI_UPGRADE_RNEG.CMD (I thought it had something to do with the Points Of Interest as well), but I studied the files a bit and if I'm correct, this is used to let the system recognize it's a sort of upgrade disk and then the script for the harmony is executed, am I correct?:-)


    (I have to cut my message in half because the number of characters is too long, so the second part is in the following message:-))

  9. Dear Filipe,


    I've got a question about the script to activate the third theme on the C4 with emyway. Does it simply activate the third theme or does it change something else as well?


    I tried the script and it worked perfectly, but I was wondering if it changes something to the sound of the Denon HiFi system or another option? Does the script come from a specialist?


    Thanks in advance!


    Sincerely yours,



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