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Messages posté(e)s par Fortitude

  1. My family and me went to a ten days trip in Italy.

    Milan, Roma and, as we thought, Pisa and Fierenze.

    But for our C4 picasso, it was too much it could see.

    In Roma, after a storm, it decided than enough was enough. Then we had the well known Abs/Esp souci.

    A repairman went to see.

    He let us down telling "it's the battery, trust me".

    After two days wandering we founded a Norauto opened. They sold us a new battery.

    They checked the car with their electronics saying it's all we can do, sorry.

    The broken car form north to south of the city/ we drove. No garage, even from Citroën, wouldn't dare touch it, too risky.

    Five days later the assurance took it in charge, dunno when, it again, we could see .

    PSA assistance "for life" nerver answered, but to say, it's all we can do, sorry.

    Citroën, never again, I foresee

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